Life360 detects drives by analyzing phone location and activity to determine when someone is driving. In-app driving events are specific points of distracted or unsafe driving as determined by the app:
- Phone Usage - This detects texting, phone calls, social apps, or other phone use while driving. It will not detect use when the vehicle is stopped or with a hands-free or bluetooth device.
- Speeding - This is captured when a vehicle exceeds 80 mph for at least 30 seconds. Going over 80 mph is considered a high-risk speed.
- Hard Braking - This is captured when the vehicle comes to an abrupt stop or hits the brakes aggressively. In terms of speed, this is roughly equal to braking hard enough to slow the vehicle by about 8 mph or more in one second. Hard braking may be a sign of distracted driving or speeding.
- Rapid Acceleration - This is recorded when there is a sudden burst of speed in a short amount of time, defined as an increase in speed of about 8 miles per hour or more in one second. Rapid acceleration may be a sign of reckless or distracted driving.
Note: Free members can view a Weekly Family Driving Summary of these insights for their Circle. Gold and Platinum members can view Individual Driver Reports.