Life360 detects drives by analyzing phone location and activity to determine when someone is driving. In-App Driving Events are specific points of distracted or unsafe driving as determined by the app.
Available to All Members
Free members can view Top Speed Driving Events of Circle members.
Top Speed - Reported at the end of a drive after all data is accumulated for the drive
Available to Gold or Platinum Members
Gold and Platinum members can use Driving Events to better understand their driving behaviors and take action to become safer drivers. In addition to Top Speed, Gold, and Platinum members can access the following Driving Events:
High Speed - Displays when a vehicle exceeds 80 mph for a minimum of 30 seconds.
Hard Braking - Recorded when a vehicle comes to an abrupt stop or hits the brakes aggressively— roughly equal to braking hard enough to slow the vehicle by about 8 miles per hour or more in one second.
Rapid Acceleration - Recorded a sudden burst of speed in a short amount of time, defined as an increase in speed of about 8 miles per hour or more in one second.
Phone Usage - Life360 determines phone usage by detecting phone orientation changes and locking/unlocking your phone while moving at a driving speed. It will not detect phone usage when the vehicle is stopped or if the phone is being used with a hands-free device.
Battery Level - Driving detection and behaviors will not be monitored if the device battery is 10% or less.
This image shows the small pop-up on the map that appears when you tap on 'High Speed' in the orange circle. It shows the spot on the map where high speed occurred. In this image, there are five instances of high speed shown in the orange circle.